Our Schedule
Bambini has been established as a child development center to provide superior child care for children of working parents. Its goals are to be responsive to the emotional, social, intellectual and physical needs of infants and children in a safe, clean and supportive environment.
Our program is unique from the innovative architectural design to meet the ever-changing needs of the children. Although our curriculum and schedules are structured, the daily activities are creative and flexible to meet the developmental levels of the children in each group. Bambini utilizes a specially designed curriculum to teach Spanish to infants, toddlers and young children. Please refer to the section “Our curriculum” for further information.

Daily schedules provide a balance of activities that include: play (manipulative, imaginative, gross/fine motor development) creative arts, language development, music, literature, science and math.

The children in our program are divided in the following age groups
~ Infants (3 months to 12 months)
~Young Toddlers (12 months to 24 months)
~ Toddlers (24 months to 36 months)
~ Preschool Children (36 months to 60 months)

Daily Activities
Bambini will display outside each room a weekly plan of your child’s activities. Teachers will list highlights of your child’s day. Parents should feel free to express their concerns at all times. Teacher-Parent communication is essential in maintaining an accurate account of your child’s daily needs.
Parent/Teacher Activities
Classroom meetings will be held with your child’s teacher twice a year to evaluate your child’s developmental progress. If during the course of the year you have a special concern, a conference time will be made available. Parents are always encouraged to become an active participant in their child’s experience at Bambini.

Sample of Daily Schedule for the Infant Room
​The infant room functions on an individual basis according to the needs of each child. The children have their own schedules for eating, sleeping and playing.
~ 8:00—9:30 – Children arrive/Breakfast/Floor time
~ 9:30—11:00 – Diapering/Naps/Playtime/Songs/ Stories/Activities related to our specially designed Curriculum
~ 11:00—12:00 – Outside time (weather permitting)
~ 12:00—1:30 – Lunch/Diapering/Visiting parents
~ 1:30—3:00 – Nap time/ Quiet time
~ 3:00—3:30 – Afternoon snack/Diapering
~ 3:30—4:00 – Fine and Gross Motor Play
~ 4:00—5:00 – Outside time (weather permitting)
~ 5:00—6:00 – Playtime/ Pick-Up
Sample of Daily Schedule for theToddler Room
~ 8:00—9:30 – Arrival/Breakfast/Small Group or Independent Play
~ 9:30—10:00 – Clean-up breakfast/Diapering & Toileting
~ 10:00—10:30 – Circle time (weather, calendar, stories, songs & circle games) Activities related to our specially designed Curriculum
~ 10:30—12:00 – Gross motor activities (walks & playground-weather permitting)
~ 12:00—12:45 – Stories/Lunch/Clean-up
~ 12:45—1:30 – Diapering & Toileting/Prep for Nap
~ 1:30—3:30 – Nap/ Quiet time
~ 3:30—4:00 – Wake-up/Afternoon snack/Diapering & Toileting
~ 4:00—4:30 – Creative Play and Activities related to our specially designed Curriculum
~ 4:30—5:00 – Arts & Crafts (theme related)
~ 5:00—6:00 – Circle time/Choice time: puzzles, dress-up, table activities/Pick-up

Other Daily Details
Clothing: Each child at Bambini has his/her own cubby for their personal belongings. Everything your child wears and brings to the center must be labeled. Toddlers and preschoolers should have a complete change of clothes in her/his cubby at all times. Infants should have two complete changes.
Clothes soiled at the center will be sent home. We launder sheets daily at our infant classrooms and weekly (or more often if necessary) at our toddler and Pre-K classrooms. Please check your child’s clothes regularly to make sure your child has a change of clothes, and that they are seasonally appropriate.
Additional Things to Bring From Home
Infants and Toddlers (Three Months to Three Years)
Please bring the following items with your child on his/her first day:

~ A complete set of extra clothes for every day
~ Disposable diapers – (when applicable, no cloth diapers permitted)
~ Diaper Rash Ointment
~ Toothpaste and Toothbrushes (if applicable)
~ Hair Brush
~ Sun Screen and Insect Repellant
~ 2 Bottles (if applicable)
~ Sippy Cup (if applicable)

Young Children (Three to Five Years Old)
Please bring the following items with your child on his/her first day:
~ A complete set of extra clothes for every day
~ Toothpaste and Toothbrushes
~ Hair Brush
~ Sun Screen and Insect Repellant